Social media tips

Motivation & help

Social media, a blessing and a curse. I think many of us feel the same way; platforms like Instagram & Co. are starting to feel more and more like a second job. There’s so much pressure, deadlines, always being reachable, and it seems like there’s no way out of this hamster wheel, not to mention that pesky algorithm messing everything up.

With this blog post, I want to help you better understand your social media identity and how to have more fun in the long run. Just remember, we’re only scratching the surface here. I’m no social media guru, and I don’t know everything about it, but I’m confident I can offer you some new perspectives.

Ultimately, it’s up to you and your taste. What do you like? What can you imagine? What do you prefer not to do?

Would you like more information on this topic? Let me know and write me :)


Well, I don’t think there’s a 100% guaranteed recipe for success. A bit of luck is always involved, I think. Plus, algorithms and trends change so quickly that a guide like this could become outdated pretty fast. Still, I believe that if you want to, you can optimize your chances and content. Just brainstorming some ideas and being clear about what you want can help.

Think of this blog post as a starting point, a spark for thought. There are some big channels and individuals out there who specialize entirely in social media.

Social media is a lot about marketing. You can dcide your own strategy.

What do you want to achieve with your social media presence?

It’s a simple but crucial question. What are your goals on social media? Sometimes, we lose sight of why we created an Instagram account in the first place and constantly find ourselves battling the algorithm. Everyone has different reasons for posting on social media. If you’re clear about why you have your account, you can better define what you want to achieve with it.

  • Want to sell products? Then keep your customers in mind. Define strategies and target groups. Tailor your content to your audience and products.

Here are some examples and solutions:

  • Want to sell products? Then keep your customers in mind. Define strategies and target groups. Tailoryourcontenttoyouraudienceandproducts.
  • Want to make new friends? / Share your stories and dolls? Then likes shouldn’t be the focus, right? Havefunwith it.

Of course, everyone wants recognition for their work, and I totally understand that, especially when you’ve poured so much heart into your projects. So, here are a few more tips.

One account or separate content

In most cases, a potential follower decides in a few seconds whether they want to follow you. If you give your account a clear structure, this decision becomes much easier for some and they’ll be quicker to hit the follow button than with a mixed account.

For example: You love good food and dolls. Sure, you post lots of pictures of dishes, with the occasional appearance of one of your dolls. But who do you actually want to appeal to? Your dolls are great, but many people might not be into the food pictures and won’t follow you because of them. Others might like your food pictures, but find the dolls kind of creepy (yes, we all know those comments~). Define a target group you want to address. It doesn’t have to be super specific at first. Just be clear that this decision will affect your social media presence and account.

This is no real Social media course, there are a lot out there, but rather some guidelines for my fellow doll friends.

How I managed it

I personally separated my shop and private accounts. Why? Because I believe that some people may only want to see one or the other. Someone who wants to see pictures of my dolls might not necessarily want to see news or offers in my shop. Everyone has a free and conscious choice in what they consume. Having a clear distinction for me also gives me the opportunity to better cater to customers and separate “work from pleasure.” I want to offer my customers professionalism and security without too much back and forth.

Of course, you can continue to operate your account in a mixed way. There are many who say, “It’s my account, and I’ll show everything that makes me me.” And that’s totally okay!

Setting Realistic Goals

It’s crucial to set realistic goals for using social media to reduce pressure and find a healthy balance. Instead of chasing unrealistic goals like a specific number of followers or likes, we should focus on goals that are within our control, such as regularly posting high-quality content or engaging with the community.

Tip: Set small, achievable milestones and regularly check progress to motivate yourself and focus on the process rather than the outcome.

Also a Niche does have it followers. Try to create content many can enjoy or relate.

Letting Go of External Evaluations

Who hasn’t experienced it? The latest post has “flopped,” and discontent sets in. But it’s important to let go of external evaluations and comparisons with others on social media to maintain our motivation. Instead of focusing solely on likes, comments, or follower numbers, focus on your personal progress and achievements.

You can use Likes & Co as a good evaluation to analyze which posts were good and what you can possibly repeat in a similar way. As is so often the case, you simply have to test things.

Tip: Don’t constantly compare yourself to others; celebrate your own successes and appreciate the progress you make on your own journey.

Don’t Get Too Attached to Your Content

But you put so much effort and work into it. There’s nothing wrong with that! However, you should approach your postings more openly. Sometimes we put so much work into a post, and it’s “worse” in terms of likes & Co than a simple snapshot. It has often happened to me that my passion projects somehow seemed less interesting than small “in-between postings.” Don’t take it to heart; it’s entirely normal for various factors to play into the “success” of a post. Often, there are many different factors that may cause a post to sink. Like the posting time, the motive, or even the weather outside – sure, if the weather is nice, people are less likely to be on their phones, right?

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

It’s crucial to regularly take breaks and consciously spend time offline

In today’s world, where social media plays a significant role in our lives, it’s essential that we take care of our mental health. The pressure to constantly produce perfect content or “compete” with other users can lead to stress and negative feelings. Therefore, it’s crucial to regularly take breaks and consciously spend time offline. Additionally, it’s helpful to engage with other users and support each other. Ultimately, we should always remember that our worth is not determined by our online presence and that it’s important to prioritize ourselves and our mental health. More about social media and metal health can be found here.

It is a blessign and a curse. Here are some small tips to help you out.

The “Social” in Social Media

What has also helped me a lot is trying to reconnect with other people. Not just “pushing out content,” but taking the time to write to others, respond, or help. Through these platforms, I have already met so many incredibly wonderful people. I believe that, at the end of the day, this is a great and important point in this fast-paced world.


In conclusion, it’s important to emphasize that social media should be more than just a place to boost our follower counts or collect likes. It offers a great opportunity to form real connections, have interesting conversations, and raise awareness of important issues. Instead of focusing solely on the numbers, we should fill our content with personality and passion and simply have fun with it. If we are authentic and do what genuinely interests us, the likes and followers will come. Ultimately, it’s about reaching people, inspiring them, and motivating them, rather than getting lost in a competition for recognition. Social media should connect us and positively influence the world.

Art Block Idea Finding Need a new boost for your ideas? Then check out this blog post.

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